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James River Yoga

a hidden sanctuary to find yOur flow (2).png

Class Schedule

$15 to drop in to any class; just show up! 

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Jeanne Pribble
Marisa Freeman


Leesa Williams
Dr. John Franklin
Dr. Matthew Miller
Bethany Federico
Adrienne Penebre

Here is a list of teacher emails (regular, sub and special events),  if you would like to direct class questions to specific teachers:

Please see Class Fees page for the types of payment different teachers accept.  See the Class Descriptions page for details about the particular class.


PLEASE NOTE: John Franklin's Feldenkrais Class is independent of James River Yoga Studio – Please contact John directly at DRJOHNEFRANKLIN@GMAIL.COM for details.  


Matt Miller's Tai Chi Class is independent of James River Yoga Studio – Please contact Matt Directly at LAOWAI1965@GMAIL.COM.


Inclement Weather Policy:  Check our “Home” page and/or facebook for the most up to date information.  We will make a decision no later than two hours before the start of class, whenever possible.

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